| 2 min read

Enhanced budgeting, search, and reconciliation tools

Bulk create up to 100 cards with the same specifications

For our domestic users and API customers setting up teams you can now, in only a few minutes, bulk create up to 100 cards with the same specifications. The cards can be individualized later as needed, but offer the ability to streamline card creation when setting up a team of media buyers.

Easier-than-ever search functionality

To enhance and improve dash.fi search, you can now query by creation date. Designed to make bulk or campaign related searches easy.

Budget control enhancements

In addition to daily, monthly, or transactional spending limits you now have the ability to establish lifetime limits to help manage spend for individual campaigns or spending associated with a particular platform.

Easy-to-use reconciliation tools for prepaid accounts

Reconciling deposits and debits can be done within the dash.fi app on a month to date basis as well as a lifetime basis so you can see all pending and settled transactions.

Releasing BETA version of white label dash.fi

Contact us if you’re interested in participating in the BETA version or if you’d like to be notified when the BETA testing is complete.

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